EEEE M M PPP III RRR EEEE DDD EEEE L U U X X EEEE E MM MM P P I R R E D D E L U U X X E EEE M M M PPP I RRR EEE D D EEE L U U X EEE E M M P I R R E D D E L U U X X E EEEE M M P III R R EEEE DDD EEEE LLLL UUU X X EEEE DDD EEEE M M OO D D E MM MM O O D D EEE M M M O O D D E M M O O DDD EEEE M M OO Copyright (c) 1993 by White Wolf Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved This software is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction and/or sale is illegal. Distribution of the demonstration program is authorized for non-commercial purposes only. Published by New World Computing, Inc. P.O. Box 4302 Hollywood, CA 90078 Customer Service: (818) 999-0607 Direct Sales Orders: (800) 325-8898 Administration: (818) 999-0606 INSTALLING AND RUNNING THE EMPIRE DELUXE DEMO: The demonstration program is a functioning demo for Empire Deluxe, published by New World Computing. If the game has not been installed, run the program 'INSTALL' and follow the instructions given. This will allow you to configure the game to your system. You may also reconfigure the game once installed by executing the program `ECONFIG`. Once installed, to play the game, execute the program 'EMPDEMO'. Note, that there is an active help system. If confused, select the HELP command to bring up the current help. Many features of the full game have been disabled for this DEMO version. Support is only provided for the Basic and Standard games, and only for Human and/or Computer players on a single system. Empire Deluxe will support the full range of screen resolutions as shown in the "Display/Screen Mode" menu, including two SuperVGA resolutions. However, the DEMO is limited to two resolutions. Also, while Empire Deluxe supports a variable sized world, this demo only supports a tiny world of 20 x 20. We fell that this will still give you a good feel for the possibilities of this game. You can reach the authors by mail through New World Computing or directly through Compuserve, GEnie, or Bix. Their E-mail addresses are: Mark Baldwin GEnie* - mb Compuserve - 73637,3032 Usenet - Bob Rakosky Compuserve* - 76703,4254 GEnie - b.rakosky Bix - brakosky Usenet - * - Preferred That's it for now - ENJOY!